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ZYXYYDS Hd Langlebiges Fernglas High-Definition Low-Light-Nachtsichtteleskop

Amazon.de Price: 1.585,08 (as of 08/04/2023 04:04 PST- Details)

Ideal for adult children watching birds, hiking, sports, concerts, operas, etc., is a decent gift for friends and family.
It is easy to carry and can be used for watching large-scale events such as horse racing, motorsport, sailing, large-scale stage games, concert football, etc.
Focusing with a smooth knob makes it easy to focus, even for kids.

Dieses Teleskop ist Sittsam zugunsten erwachsene Kinder zum Beschatten von Vögeln, Wandern, Sport, Konzerten, Opern usw. Es ist ein anständiges Geschenk zugunsten Freunde ebenso Klan. Produkt: Fernglas Material: Aluminiumlegierung + Gummi
Größe: 16,5 x 19 cm
Farbe: Schwarz
Modellspezifikation: 7 x 50
Vergrößerung: 7-fach
Objektivdurchmesser: 50 mm
Sichtfeld: 132 m / 1000 m Prismenmaterial: BAK4 Beschichtung: FMC-Mehrschicht-Breitbandbeschichtung Nahbrennweite: 5,0 mm Alias wenn es wasserdicht ist, ablagern Sie das Fernglas nicht in Bereichen qua Wasser. Formblatt schauen Sie also nicht direkt in die Sonne, das schadet Ihren Augen.

Sittsam for adult children watching birds, hiking, sports, concerts, operas, etc., is a decent gift for friends and family.
It is easy to carry and can be used for watching large-scale events such as horse racing, motorsport, sailing, large-scale stage games, concert football, etc.
Focusing with a smooth knob makes it easy to focus, even for kids.
The telescope design reflects most of the light and maintains a good image for a wonderful experience.
The lightweight, ergonomic design lets you feel tired without taking it.
